Can you write an appropriate ending to the 2018 Sat Reading text 'Albion's Dream' you can find the text at the link below:
At that moment I heard Em Sharp’s voice coming up the stairs.
“Edward. EDWARD!” she called. “What on Earth are you up to in there?”
The door opened. It took her a few seconds to work out what I was doing; then she leapt towards me.
“Give me that immediately, Edward.” I drew back cautiously. “That box is mine. It’s nothing to do with you. It belongs to me.” She came forward with frightening intensity, her hand reaching out for the box. I hesitated. If it really was hers, I had no right… But a stronger sense of justice broke out in me. I had found it by my own efforts. For the time being, at least, it should be mine.
18 April 2019
Time stood still; she reached towards the box with her thin bony fingers stretching out. The justice screamed in my head,” Run Edward! Run!” I could not get past Em to the stairs. I leaned back against the bookcase and dropped the game. Em had a hungry look in her eyes and tried to pounce on it. “Oh no you don’t.” I muttered. I rolled to the floor and opened the box. “What have you done?!!”Em exclaimed. Suddenly the old houseI had been in disappeared. I was standing on a board with a brightly coloured square underneath me. Where was I? Where was Em Sharp? More importantly, where was the game and where had the floor come from?
“Edward! Don’t panick!” Em Sharp...
19 April 2019
“No! I won’t give it too you!” I declared, “I found it. I should look at it.”
“You have to give it to me now!” Em Sharp spat as she reached out to grab the box again, “It’s none of your business what’s in it. So give it to me NOW!” I had never seen this side of Em Sharp before. I wondered what would happen if I opened it in her face would she: grab it from my hands, shout at me or would she just stand and watch in horror.
“Em! EM SHARP WHERE’S MY LUNCH!” Uncle Jack called out from the kitchen. Suddenly, Em realised that she had not finished preparing lunch; so she bolted to the door and ran down the stairs to finish sorting out lunch.
It was now or never. I ran to my room and hid the game in my trunk. It was a good enough hiding place for the time-being. Then I rushed down the stairs to have lunch. When I entered the kitchen, Em glared at me as if I had killed a cat. I knew why. It was because I still had Albion’s dream. I knew that she was going to raid the whole house so after lunch, I decided to take the game and hide it in the dirty old loft. It was the most unlikely place for a game to be.
22 April 2019
With an intensity like fire, Em Sharp lunged again for the box. Heart racing, I turned and fled to the garden. I ran because I knew Em Sharp couldn't catch up to me. I just wanted to take a tiny peek in the box. So, when I knew that I was out of reach and view of Em Sharp, I sat down and opened the mystifying box.
Creak! The box slowly opened on its shrivelled, decrepit hinges revealing another one of the mysterious die and four small figurines, each with a different design: A king, a queen, a jester and a knight. Underneath the assortment of objects lay a rectangular board with vibrant gold designs and a bright blue path pirouetting round a large glass hemisphere in the centre. "Edward..." Whispered a strange voice, "Roll the diiiiiiiiice."...
25 March 2020
I stood rooted to the spot. What was so special about the box that Em Sharp wanted it so badly? She stared at me, unblinking and vicious. I had never seen Em so angry. But she also looked scared. I could see it in her eyes. My instinct was telling me to give it her but I was too curious to see what was in it.
"Give it to me Edward, please." she said her voice shaking, "Listen, I've been hiding that box my whole life because I didn't want other people to get in trouble like I did. Have you looked inside of it?" she asked with such fierce I could not look her in the eyes. My throat had gone dry and bead of sweat had appeared on my forehead.
"Have you looked inside the box?!" she repeated.
"No I haven't! What is it and why are you so bothered about it?" I shouted clutching the box even tighter.
"Edward, I think it's finally time I told you this... I'm dead. I was murdered 100 years ago by what is in that box." she stammered. My face had gone pale and I had started to feel dizzy.
"You - your d - dead?" The box dropped out of my hands and hit the floor with a thud. The cardboard box had split open.
4 October 2020
Suddenly l ran for my life ,l ran faster than l ever had run before.l wanted to know what was in this box . l'd run as far as l could now and l was deep into the woods of the forest.Looking back to see if there was any sign of Em sharp ,l sat down and opened the box.
A beam of light shot out into the sky ,l was sure that you could see that light from miles away . First what came out was black smoke and things which would be in your worst nightmare but when the horrible things went there was a game, just an ordinary game.
l was very confused why all of those horrible things came just to show a board game, so l decided to start playing. Without thinking l made my first move and landed on a square which said home it told me to pick up a card it said " your home is where you live , and where your family will always be, but not always in this case were truth needs to unfold " placing the card down, l rolled again it said family before i had a chance to read it l heard footsteps l knew it was Em sharp so l quickly put the game away left the box where it was and ran back to the barn
4 October 2020
Suddenly l ran for my life ,l ran faster than l ever had run before.l wanted to know what was in this box . l'd run as far as l could now and l was deep into the woods of the forest.Looking back to see if there was any sign of Em sharp ,l sat down and opened the box.
A beam of light shot out into the sky ,l was sure that you could see that light from miles away . First what came out was black smoke and things which would be in your worst nightmare but when the horrible things went there was a game, just an ordinary game.
l was very confused why all of those horrible things came just to show a board game, so l decided to start playing. Without thinking l made my first move and landed on a square which said home it told me to pick up a card it said " your home is where you live , and where your family will always be, but not always in this case were truth needs to unfold " placing the card down, l rolled again it said family before i had a chance to read it l heard footsteps l knew it was Em sharp so l quickly put the game away left the box where it was and ran back to the barn
5 October 2020
“Edward Give that back now’’. I did not want to give it back i found a then and if she wanted it she would have kept it in her room. She then snacking it But i kept hold of it and ran fast because i know she wound no catch up. I turn around and i could not see her so i got the change to hide . About 5 minutes later I heard her say “when i found you are going to e in big trouble’’. I open the box and i know now what in the box. I close the box and ran away
5 October 2020
“Edward Give that back now’’. I did not want to give it back i found a then and if she wanted it she would have kept it in her room. She then snacking it But i kept hold of it and ran fast because i know she wound no catch up. I turn around and i could not see her so i got the change to hide . About 5 minutes later I heard her say “when i found you are going to e in big trouble’’. I open the box and i know now what in the box. I close the box and ran away
L.C :)
5 October 2020
I pushed the huge bookcase and there was a small room and cobwebs and dust I leded my arm In the small room and I grabbed something my heart beating fast I pulled my arm out. It was a dice which had strange simpbul the boardgame or book I opened the book there was a knight, a sword and a shield It must of been a medieval game I thought it looked very very old in my head I felt like It was cursed and the game said "ALBION'S DREAM "on it. In my head I really wanted to play it so I did.I placed the dice and a beam of light came shooting out. That second I started to feel disgust and I fell to the ground and saw I was get dragged into the and I disappeared
Nobody has seen Edward since...
Eva JC
5 October 2020
I clutched the box as tight as I could. I held it so hard I thought it was going to break. "Sorry, Em, I found this and I deserve to know what is in it." I said, my voice stammering a bit. I didn't know what else to say. I took a deep breath as Em started to slowly, come towards me. Closer, closer. I ran behind her and held the box to my chest. I ran as fast as I could, down the old oak stairs, as it came to the last step.. I heard Em screaming at the top of the stairs "EDWARD!! PLEASE! Listen, give it here now. You'll regret it so much if you don't." That scared me. I stopped, hesitated for a moment and thought, what could possibly be in there that I could regret so much? Em slowly came down the stairs.
"Edward. It's time you found out about my past. My name is Emily Sharp. You have probably not heard of me. Thousands of years ago, my great grandma, Maria Sharp, was a murderer. She murdered anybody, whenever she felt like it. She was wanted by the police as soon as she turned twenty. She was eventually found and taken to prison, but ever since the police had to keep a close eye on my family. As it passed through the generations. It was killing spree, after killing spree, after killing spree. When you were little, your mum mysteriously died, correct?" She said with a smirk on her face.
"Y-yes." I murmered, more scared than ever. I could see a big smile growing on her face. She looked happy, almost. "Well, Edward. I murdered your mother." She replied. I didn't know what to say. Was this a joke? I wanted to say it was but I could tell that it wasn't by her face. A tear streamed down my face.
I was looking at a murderer. Not just any murderer, the murderer who killed my mum! I threw the box at her, dreading to know what was inside. She picked up the box and opened it slowly. Inside was a knife. Covered in blood stains. "This, is the knife I used to murder your mother. Now. I must finish the deed. By killing-" She told me.
"No! Don't kill me. I don't want to die!" I bellowed at her.
"The deed needs to be finished Edward."
She chased me out the door, the bloody knife in her hand. I ran for my life. Every few seconds I turned my head back to see if she has gotten any closer or stopped, but I tripped. I rolled into a tree. That was when I realised that Em was infront of me. "Goodbye Edward." Blood everywhere, then, everything went black.
"Please don't die Edward, I can't loose you, and your mother!" It was my dad's voice. I opened my eyes. "D-dad? Is this heaven? Am I dead?" My dad looked so relieved, and gave me such a tight hug.
"It's not heaven son, thank the lord your still alive." I started to remember what had happened.
"Where's Em Sharp?" I uttered. "Is she in prison?"
"Yes, darling, She is locked away" answered dad, now with a smile on his face. "Anyway, look who came to visit!" A lean little girl came into the room. "This is Em Sharps neice, she wants to become friends." My jaw dropped. I was nearly just murdered my that girl's auntie, why would I EVER want to be friends with her? "Hello Edward, do you like knives?" Murmered the girl, who then began to giggle.
6 October 2020
Edward leapt past Em sharp with the box. As Edward was tumbling down the stairs. He heard her voice echoing after him. Em sharp was demanding him to give her the box back. Edward didn't listen to Em sharp because he was to focused about what was inside the box. He dashed into the closest room. The room was dark and cold, it made Edward's teeth chatter. He searched for a light switch, flicked the switch on, the light was as bright as the sun, it made Edward's eyes close. As Edward's eyes got used to the light he noticed a ginormous spider that was connected to a thick spider web.
He was excited to finally see what was inside the box, but then was annoyed to realise that you needed a key to open it. Edward decided to leave the room in search of the key, as he opened the door Em sharp was stood there fiercely. Suddenly Jack came back from his business, he bellowed to Em sharp and Edward who were arguing over the box "stop fighting!"
Em sharp grabbed the box and they were both now pulling at it. All of a sudden, the box dropped and smashed into pieces.
7 October 2020
Edward was about to play the board game when Em sharp came in the room and said " give me that box now "said Em sharp. then when Em sharp left the room I opened the box and it ripped in half so there is no way that I can get it back in it's box I turned it over and it said albion's dream on it. I wanted to play it but I had no one to play with me so i put the die back with the game and put it back on the shelf.
7 October 2020
I clung even more tightly on to the box ,I needed to know what this box was hiding!
Em Sharp leapt towards me to grab the box I ducked and ran past her as fast as I have ever ran before. As I got out of the house Jack pulled up the drive and I shouted for him to help me but all he did was the same as Em Sharp, he bellowed "GIVE ME THAT NOW!" I ran to the nearest wood and hid behind a tree. I tried to open the box but it was locked I figured that it needed some sort of key so I decided to go back to the house under the cover of night but I knew I would have to be very quiet and very careful.
7 October 2020
I clung even more tightly on to the box ,I needed to know what this box was hiding!
Em Sharp leapt towards me to grab the box I ducked and ran past her as fast as I have ever ran before. As I got out of the house Jack pulled up the drive and I shouted for him to help me but all he did was the same as Em Sharp, he bellowed "GIVE ME THAT NOW!" I ran to the nearest wood and hid behind a tree. I tried to open the box but it was locked I figured that it needed some sort of key so I decided to go back to the house under the cover of night but I knew I would have to be very quiet and very careful.
7 October 2020
At that moment I heard Em Sharp’s voice coming up the stairs.
“Edward. EDWARD!” she called. “What on Earth are you up to in there?”
The door opened. It took her a few seconds to work out what I was doing; then she leapt towards me.
“Give me that immediately, Edward.” I drew back cautiously. “That box is mine. It’s nothing to do with you. It belongs to me.” She came forward with frightening intensity, her hand reaching out for the box. I hesitated. If it really was hers, I had no right… But a stronger sense of justice broke out in me. I had found it by my own efforts. For the time being, at least, it should be mine.
Soon later she said I have to give it to her back for the benefit of the city. I argued back saying "finders keepers", I said terrified on what button I just pressed to trigger her. I questioned why she wanted it so badly but she refused to tell me. I started to cry, she started saying really mean words.
After a while, She eventually told me that this board and dice, is magic and nobody are allowed to poach it, she told me that I wouldn't understand what was going on. she eventually added that If I don't give it back I will be banned from looking at any of these books again.
Still crying, I was determined to find out what was going on with it I told Em Sharp, that I'm sorry, and I won't do it again.
A couple of days later while em sharp was still sleeping, I took the opportunity, I slowly crept to the place where the board and dice were once kept. I did a thorough search but still couldn't find it. From the corner of my eye, I saw a book out of place, I took to the shelves to take a look... and there it was, Albion's Dream It spelt, Eager to see what I was missing out on, my body temperature lowered, I was getting cold and I was also nervous, I was getting butterflies as I opened up the box. I rolled the dice. The door slammed on me as the room was getting darker. I fell asleep. Soon later, I woke up somewhere else. I drifted off into the wilderness, never to be seen again.
ON 8-10-2020
8 October 2020
I managed to persuade Em Sharp to let me keep the box to look at it. She wasn’t keen but said I could look at it but to be careful. I am not sure why she said that.
I took the box to the barn to investigate it further. When I opened it, I noticed that the figures were all of Greek Gods. The figures were carved with such detail I could make out Zeus the God of all Gods from the lightning bolt in his hand. Poseidon God of the Sea and Rivers from the rivers of water surrounding him. Hermes the messenger of Gods who leads the soles of the dead to heaven by the bodies of the dead around him. Hades the God of the Underworld by his three headed dog Cerberus. Athena the God of War and Wisdom from the shield and spear and Aphrodite the God of beauty and love by doves surrounding her.
The board is map of the God’s kingdoms, hell, Mount Olympus, the sea and cloudy skies. Soon Em Sharp yelled to the barn “lunch is ready!” so I quickly packed away the game and promised to myself that I would open it and play it later. After lunch I went back to the barn and opened the barrel that I put the game in but it was not there. So, I looked at the table to see if Em Sharp had moved it but it was open with all the pieces in their specific kingdoms. I knew that Em Sharp hadn’t left the kitchen so I felt a little frightened but not enough to stop me playing the game.
I played the game for several hours and when Em Sharp came to the barn she told me how she used to play the game when she was young before her dad went to war and never returned and that is why the game was so special to her and she didn’t want me to play it. I promised I would look after it and if she ever wanted it back just to let me know.
8 October 2020
Edward fell backwards onto the dusty, oak floor. He was horrified of the face on the evil guardian. “Trust me, you don’t know what you are dealing with” exclaimed Em Sharp. Edward ran off past her and hid under the table in the old kitchen. He could hear her angry footsteps storming into the kitchen and his fear took over him and he suddenly got up and said “ It is not yours to keep” as loudly as possible! After he said that, he ran out of her house and hid in a bush. He opened the board game and chose a character. As he rolled the dice, the game suddenly lit up a green colour. The game suddenly shrank and he disappeared into the air. The boy fell back in fear of what had just happened. “Where is it!?” asked the angry woman. “It disappeared, I promise!” screamed the boy. The woman seemed worried and said “I was afraid that this was going to happen!”
Ruby pig ???? (RS)
8 October 2020
Albion’s Dream
At that moment I heard Em Sharp’s voice coming up the stairs.
“EDWARD!” She called “What on Earth are you doing up there?”
Suddenly the door opened as I jumped back in fright. It took her a few seconds to figure out what I was doing; then she leapt in front of me as I backed away. “Give me that right now,Edward!” I took many more steps back as she followed me . “That box is mine. It’s nothing to do with your ginger haired self . IT BELONG’S TO ME!” She came forward with frighting intensity, her wrinkled hand rearing out for the box. She got closer as I ran out of the door and into the hallway and down the stairs. Sadly I tripped and Em sharp snatched the box my hands as I tried to clutch it and then she walked away.
8 October 2020
Edward felt a sudden urge to run away and leave Em Sharp in the old dusty room, but instead asked what was in the box. To Edward's surprise Em stopped shouting but didn't answer his question, instead she disappeared!! At first Edward was relieved but then he wondered what this could mean .
Edward didn't know what to do, so he opened the cracked and dirty wooden box that now lay on the floor. Inside, was Em Sharp's face staring back at him with a worried look on her. Underneath, words were written it said," beware of the curse." Edward didn't understand, had she been real in the first place? How would he ever find out un-less he played the game? But Edward was too scared to think about that so he dropped the box and ran as fast as he could ... And to this very day no one knows exactly what happened to Edward, Em Sharp or the game!
9 October 2020
I stood rooted to the spot. What was so important that Em Sharp wanted so badly about this mysterious box? She stared at me with frustration and didn't blink. I had never seen her so worked up and angry before. She also looked a bit scared, I could see it in her eyes. Then I said "Why is it that you want this box so badly?!"
Then she replied "What ever you do don't drop the box, just place it down
I didn't understand what she meant, but then I started to shake. Just then, from one of the dark crevices in the crumbled wall, a tiny rat came scuttling out. Then it came towards me and I dropped the box and it split in two...
Then suddenly I found myself standing in a hot savanna and all that I heard was Em Sharps voice saying "Find water, find water, you need to find water NOW!"
I did not know what she meant but I decided that I needed to find water. After several hours of travelling, I finally reached a pool of fresh water. In it was the same dice I saw back at the old farmhouse. As I took it out of the water I noticed that it had some scrambled letters on it so I unscrambled the words to find out that it said 'Albion's dream' on it. Then when I put the dice back in the water I found myself standing in a room in the old farmhouse with Em Sharp looking at me with relief and then she said "Well done Edward you have defeated the game.
10 October 2020
That box is mine! She said with an angry look on her face. But if it was hers she didn't need to shout like that. Thoughts and questions span around my mind. Why was she being like this? Is the box acctually hers? What could be in this box? "GO AND EAT URE TEA!" said Em Sharp giving me dirty looks as I walked past.But my anger took over "I FOUND THAT BOX ITS MINE!" I snatched it off her and ran to the nearest cuboard to hide. I could hear her footsteps peering towards me. I opened the box and suddenly everything turned black, red, and then blue. Everything became silent I look through the holes in the cuboard and Em Sharp was gone.
DW ( Daisy W)
10 October 2020
Suddenly, I heard Em Sharp drawing closer to the door. I could feel my heart racing as she bellowed, '' Edward what are you doing in there you have been told many times not to enter this forbidden room.'' Her voice becoming clearer as she entered the room. Soon she noticed the strange box in my arms as I was trying my best to cover it. She hesitated as she tried to figure out what it was. she soon recognised it,'' GIVE ME THAT BOX RIGHT NOW IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!'' She screamed. I new she had no right to own this box it was mine and mine forever.
I ran to the door and shut it I still had the precious box in my hand. I hid it in the old rotten stables under the hay full of old smelly horse poo I knew she wouldn't be able to find it but soon enough she did. I heard the sound of the broken door burst wide open from the top floor. She ran down the stairs and managed to find me in the rusty wheelbarrow next to the pile of broken things.
She searched the whole house inside and out until she came to the worn out stables. Em was jumping on the hay and soon stood on it. from then I never knew if I would ever get it back.
Ryan McDonagh ;)
11 October 2020
I retaliated by dodging her attack then I screamed “I used all my energy to find this it is mine now and you can can’t stop me!” After 5 minutes, I managed to hide in a closet under a giant coat. All of a sudden I heard heavy breathing and then Em said “come out Edward I will not hurt you, JUST SHOW YOURSELF!” That was when I felt something moving in the box along with a spark. Then the heavy breathing and the noise stopped. Just when I thought I was safe Em ripped open the closet and said ”I found you.” As she charged at me this weird scream came from the box then it summoned a plank that tripped up Em. I had many questions like how did it do that? Where did it come from? I used this time to run away as Em was still on the ground I managed to get outside. Out of nowhere Em grabbed me by the legs then dragged me back inside. As I wiggled and squirmed Em’s grip on me was too strong, she finally dumped me next to a wall and said” Give me that or else.” I crawled away then I felt a cold hand grab my leg….
11 October 2020
But as soon as she left I knew it was my chance to grab the box and go outside and hide. I gave it 5 minutes until I made my move towards the dark oak box. I decided to throw some pillow out of the window and the jump out, I thought of this because if I went down the stairs It would make to much noise. It was only a small drop, as soon as I would touch the wet ground I’d have to find a nice and comfy spot to sit. As soon as I was getting ready for the jump I thought what if it was just an ordinary box but then why would Em Sharp be so protective over it? so it must be important. I made my move after debating whether to wait until night or do it now. It was a bigger jump then I expected it to be but I made it down and then ran faster then light towards a oak tree planted right in the centre of the field and hid behind it. I prepared to open the box but what if it was something personal or sad? Then I froze just like time had stopped, but I thought no I should be allowed to look inside it so as I opened it a massive beam of light shot up into the air and 5 creepy men surrounded me and said, “you have let us enter your world now you shall enter ours.” Then I heard Em sharps voice shouting, “EdWaRd where are you? did you open that box? please tell me you didn’t oh goodness this is all my fault don’t take him take me” But it was too late.
11 October 2020
“Give me that right this instant you imbecile! It doesn’t belong to you; it shall never! It is mine, and only mine!” Edward backed up, terrified of the monster laying before him. No words could be heard from either one of them. All was just a stare; Em Sharp staring deep into Edward’s eyes.
It was just then when the awkwardness ended. A large hand, which belonged to Em, reached out and grasped tight onto the box. Edward pulled with his almighty strength and closed his eyes tight, as if to say: Just let me have it, it’s mine. His face went red, applying to Em, as well. They had each developed a sudden weakness, causing them to drop the box on to the floor boards. The grey dust awakened and slowly faded away. Em and Edward both looked up at each other. It was then that all turned dark. Em bent down as fast as ever and snatched the box out of sight. She had already escaped the room before Edward had a chance to make a move.
He fell down onto his knees, feeling hopeless inside. He had seen something amazing; something that could lead to mysteries. But it was all gone. Just like that. He didn’t know his way around, so searching wasn’t ever an option. Em Sharp had the box, and there was never going to be anything he could do about it. He knew she would win every debate, every fight. But this box.. this box really meant something to him. He wouldn’t leave without the box. He needed it to be tightly pressed against his chest. To feel the hope and mystery that lay inside. To see something better than Em’s frightening face. But he knew; he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
Mrs Beesley
11 October 2020
Great imagination GF and effective use of fronted adverbials. Edit and revise for GPS. 3djs
Great effort RMu . Effective use of speech to open your paragraph. Edit and revise for GPS.
Great idea and well written LC. 3DJs
Excellent blog EJC! Effective use of speech to convey character and good verb choices. I enjoyed it!!! Prize Box!
Lovely vocab choices JJ. An effective ending. Well done. Prize Box!
Very intriguing EW?????? Left me wanting to read more though. Edit and revise for GPS.
Good use of adverbials ME. I want to see what happens next. 3DJs
Great idea to use Greek Gods ON. A very effective ending with a variety of adverbials. I really like your choice of vocabulary. Prize Box :)
Effective use of speech in your ending JP. 3DJs
Excellent use of adjectives HM. An effective ending. 3DJs
I love the 'rooted to the spot' choice FER. Excellent use of apostrophes for contraction. A very effective ending. Well done. Prize Box :)
What happened next AA???????????????????????????????????
Lovely use of adjectives DW to paint a picture in your reader's mind. Well done. Prize Box!!
Excellent use of adventurous vocabulary RMc :) and lots of effective verbs. great work. Prize Box!!
A great idea LMc, Remember to write your numbers as words. Well done. 3DJs
Mrs Beesley
11 October 2020
Another great blog AB. I particularly liked: 'Edward backed up, terrified of the monster laying before him. No words could be heard from either one of them...'
Excellent use of semi colons to link two clauses. I enjoyed your ending. Prize Box!
11 October 2020
Albion's Dream ending...
I asked Em Sharp why I could not keep the bored game? She didn't want to tell me but I really wanted to know. I continued to ask her... Why can't I play with this? I found it and nobody had played with it in what looks like year. She shouted back angrily, why do you want to know? I replied... I'm sorry, I just wanted to play with it but I didn't know it meant so much to you. I asked...Please can I ask why this means so much to you? She began to tell me.
This was my last gift from my father before he passed away. I have so many lovely memories of playing this game with father but it also is very upsetting when I think that he is no longer here with me. I replied, would you like to play with me? we could make some more lovely memories, she replied, yes that would be nice.
We began to play and talk about the good old times with her father, we laughed all night and there was a few sad moments but I think I can safely say we had a lovely evening.
They continued to have many years of games evening sharing lots of each others memories.
11 October 2020
Edward took the dusty box from the abyss of the shelf. He heard em sharp come up the crooked stairs. Em sharp startled him when she blasted through the door. Edward staggered back with the box. She told Edward to give the game to her but Edward refused and ran out the room and hid it.
11 October 2020
I held the mysterious box as tight as I could so Em Sharp could not seize it off me.
"It should be mine for now, you hid the dice and the box in different places, what are you hiding !" I shouted. I waited until she put her hands back down to her side and I bolted out of the old building, my heart beating fast with fear.
I ran through the dark, eerie woods and hid in an abandoned shabby shed. I could hear Em Sharp angrily shouting my name, her voice was coming nearer. I peeped through the window to see if she was there. She was at the door !!! I quickly placed the box under an old brown wooden table. Em Sharp furiously shouted through a small gap in the door ."Don't you dare open the box ! You'll regret it for the rest of your life.."
I jumped out of the back window and fell awkwardly on my ankle. I tried to limp away and hide behind an old oak tree but the pain was unbearable. I headed back to the shed for help, Em Sharp was nowhere to be seen and the box had gone.
Through the cracked window I saw Em Sharp holding the box under her right arm. The box was glowing a bright bewildering blue and smoke was coming from the top... I'd had a lucky escape.
11 October 2020
I kept hold tightly of the box not wanting Em to take it from me. Why did she so desperately want to take the box ? What was so important to her? At that moment I knew I had to get out of the room and investigate more what this box was. I made a quick escape through Em's legs and raced down the stairs and out of the front door into the empty fields next to the house. I found a big oak tree and hid behind it to open the box. My heart was racing like never before . I opened the box and couldn't believe what was hidden inside. Just then Em appeared round the tree with a face of thunder. She snatched the box from me and shouted, "It's my box, you have no right to take it!"
and stored away leaving me wondering, who is Albion to Em? And why was his 'dream' so important to her...
Isabelle Watson
11 October 2020
I will not give it too you! I ran away as fast as I could with the box in my hand. Em Sharp was shouting behind me, I peered over my shoulder and saw that she had fallen over. I finally came to a stop and took 3 big deep breaths while I was looking for a place to hide, my heart was beating really fast and I was sweating with nerves.
Finally after 10 minutes of searching I found a space behind an old shed , it was falling to pieces and it was in a terrible state. I peered my head around the door and yelled arrrrrr. I had come across a massive spider in the old shed. I quickly shut my mouth incase Em Sharp heard me.
I picked up a sharp pointy knife and killed the spider and went into the shed closing the door behind me. I slowly opened the box and set up the game my hands were trembling, I had watched a movie about a similar game like this. I slowly started to play, after 5 minutes I heard weird noises, so I quickly popped my head up to the little window that had cobwebs all over it to see if Em was there. However it was just a ghost town outside. I began to wonder if the game was haunted, so I routed through the box and found a mysterious piece of paper.
The piece of paper said on it........
This game is a haunted game and anyone that plays it will have bad luck FOREVER!!! I bolted inside and found Em, she said what are you doing in here I've been looking for you? In fear I showed her the game and the piece of paper. Em Sharp started to laugh and said Happy Halloween, GOT YOU!
11 October 2020
''No I fund it so it's mine.''
Em sharp said she would tell him what it was if he gave her the bord game.
''I'll think about it.''
he desided to give her the bord game.he didn't really want to give her it but he was curious. he hesitated at first but gave it to her.
''when i was a little girl i was playing in the backgarden when I found it in the the game. I the game i was curious so I opend it suddenly every thing went black i woke up in a jungle and I herd loud foot steps. soon enough a huge beast came out but i ran away swerving around each rock and plant until i saw the finnish line it was hard but im glad i got out and i've never opend it since. so please don't open it.''
12 October 2020
„I won’t give it to you!” I shouted.
„Please give that to me, I don’t want you getting in trouble,” said Em Sharp with a death stare right into my eyes. I could tell she really wanted it back, but why was she acting this way?
„GIVE ME THAY BACK!” shouted Em Sharp while trying to snach the dirty, old board game our of my hands. I wanted some answers! I pulled away the dusty board game out of her reach and slowly started talking, „Why do you need it?”
„I got it from my grandparent,” said Em Sharp. I was too curious to let her grab it off me, but I decided to give it to her. I slowly put the board game and the dice on her wrinkly hands as I walked away. But that didn’t get rid of my questions. Why did she need it so badly? Why shouldn’t I get involed with it? The truth hides behind the board game...
12 October 2020
“I will not give it to you!” I shouted while running away with the box in my hand.I looked over my shoulder to find out she’s gotten stopped by all the people walking by.I found the perfect stop place a corner next to a house,I breathed heavily as I was moving my head side to side trying to find a place to hide.
After 5 nervous seconds I found an old abandoned garage with a tight space for me to squeeze into.i ran to the garage and got on my back and slid in, I was sweating my heart was racing.i was standing behind a pole for 5 minutes as I heard a voice out side it sounded like em Sharp I was shaking there was a hill of ants on the floor I was more concerned about the ants than Em Sharp. I kicked the ants and dropped my board game.
I slowly picked up my board game and started running to pole after pole before she came in I found a door so I ran out and made a way to my home, the game started shaking and I was curious I threw the board game on my bed and ran away.
The question is what is in the board game.....
12 October 2020
“No, I found this book first it’s MINE”
“ Okay, please give it back. I don’t want you to get in big trouble .”
Hmmm, I can tell she really wants it back. I wonder why the book is so special to Em Sharp?
“Edward! Come on GIVE IT BACK you are going to be grounded for 2 years!”
But why do you want this book? I found it first.
I ran away as fast as I could with the game and dice!