St Gregory’s develop curious children with a responsible understanding of the world around them. Children are equipped with the scientific skills which enables them to think critically, be reflective and resilient problem solvers.

We create a lifelong love for science!

Miss S Lewis Subject Leader

It is our intent, at St Gregory’s, to give children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst equipping them with the skills, knowledge and responsibility to help them think scientifically. We encourage the children to be curious about our universe, whilst ensuring children gain an understanding of scientific processes. We strive to make sure children are equipped with the understanding of the use and implications of science, today and for the future. Being resilient and reflective researchers, children can investigate their own questions and look into advances that have been made in science throughout history by studying famous scientists.

We aim to equip pupils with the skills to work scientifically, asking and answering their own questions through using a different range of enquiry types. Children will be scientifically literate and have a strong understanding of scientific vocabulary in the curriculum. The learning environment across school will be displayed, spoken and used by all learners. From EYFS to Year 6, key areas will be revisited and reflected upon. Thus, building upon previous learning and embedding procedural knowledge into the long-term memory.

Children will be given the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular science activities. These include exploring our outdoor environment, visiting a science event/museum, mad-science after-school club and as science ambassadors presenting science investigations to their peers. Where possible, teaching staff will invite different professions who use science in their role to talk to the children.

Science Curriculum Overview

Science Expectations for Working Scientifically at all Year groups

Click Here For Science Learning

Click Year Groups below for Curriculum Knowledge Organisers:

Year 1     Year 2     Year 3     Year 4    Year 5    Year 6


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