St Gregory's Eco Slogan 

'Green doings = Green Rewards'


St Anne's Catholic Primary School: Our local community, CAFOD and our  global community.

At St. Gregory’s we work hard to continue our status as a ‘Greener School’. We do this through empowering the children to take the lead in developing our school action plan and set targets with the aim of continually improving our Eco status. Our Eco Council is made up of representatives from every year group, nominated by their peers. They meet regularly to discuss Eco issues around school and propose solutions and improvements.

Being ‘Eco – Aware’ is embedded in our curriculum for all year groups as we feel it is important that our children are aware that they need to be Responsible in their actions and the effect that they can have on our planet. Our children know that small changes they can make can have a massive impact on issues such as climate change. Through encouraging the children to take an active role in jobs such as recycling we hope that they are able to Reflect upon these issues and think about what they do both at school and at home; taking this important message through with them as they grow older.

We have built a successful partnership with a school in Kenya where we share information about the similarities and differences between our two schools. Together we Reflect upon how climate change is a global issue with affects us all and one which we need to work together to try and stop global warming.

We encourage our children to be Curious about the world around them and use our school grounds to facilitate their learning about nature. The children use our pond area to observe the life cycle of animals and have made bird boxes and tables to encourage more creatures into our woodland. The children enjoy learning about the different trees and animals that visit our school grounds and observe changes through the seasons.

Our Change4Life club in Years 5 and 6 plays an important role in the upkeep of our school grounds; with the children being Responsible for keeping our woodland tidy and safe, planting new trees, plants and vegetables and ensuring that they are looked after. One of the aims our Change4Life club is to build Resilience in our children…Gardening is hard work and the children are encouraged to stick at tasks and be proud of what they are able to accomplish.

Eco-Schools Bronze Award Programme - Tops Day NurseriesOverleigh St. Mary's CofE Primary School: Green Team

Eco Action Plan

Updated: 09/02/2021 825 KB


Fair Trade

St. Gregory's has long supported the use of Fair Trade products and the children learn about its importance in lessons. Events are held each year to highlight global issues and what we can do to help.


Fair Trade presentation

Updated: 28/04/2015 3.31 MB