Welcome to Reception
Here at St. Gregory’s we follow the EYFS curriculum where we provide a variety of learning experiences and activities on a daily basis.
Our aim is to provide high quality activities for children both in our indoor and outdoor areas as well as having lots of fun! In Reception our learning follows the children’s interest and here are some examples of topics we have covered; Superheroes, Space, Once upon a time and Under the Sea.
We have an open door policy at school so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Reading and Phonics
At St. Gregory’s we teach children to read using the Letter and Sounds scheme. Our children have daily Phonics sessions where they are taught the different letter sounds and how to blend these together to read a word.
We always encourage the children to read each night at home (even if this is only a couple of pages) so that they are able to continue to practise and develop their phonics skills. Each week your child will receive two books and we do ask that these are revisited throughout the week.
Our homework challenges are set half termly and cover each area of the EYFS curriculum. Each week your child will select a challenge to complete and the aim is to complete them all by the end of the half term.
Our Classroom
In Reception we have both an indoor and outdoor area where the children learn through their play. When the children are not completing an adult directed activity, they will be developing their knowledge and understanding within our continuous provision areas. Below you will find pictures of these areas which include a creative area, role play, writing area, maths area, reading area as well as water trays and a sandpit.